Weather in Israel, JaffaYou may have heard that the  organizers of the Tel Aviv Marathon have announced the race will start half an hour earlier due to the expectation of a major heat wave.  But wait… isn’t it the middle of the winter?

Winter in Israel is pretty unpredictable. It can be hot one day, cold the next and raining on the one after that. (Summer weather is much simpler; it’s always hot and sunny.) Days may start out cool, be hot midday and cool off again in the evening. The trick to dealing with weather in Israel is dressing in layers that can easily be removed and put on again. You’ll also need somewhere to store the layers of clothing you aren’t wearing, like a backpack or the trunk of a car.

It’s important to note that even a cold day can be very sunny. If you plan to be outdoors for an extended period, such as on a walking tour or hike, sunscreen should be your best friend. Always carry water with you since dehydration is easy to come by in Israel.

Above all, take advantage of these sunny days. Hang out at the beach, go on a water hike, spend some time in a park. Walk around Israel’s city streets and soak up the atmosphere as well as the sun. Take a break at a sidewalk cafe or visit an open market. Enjoy the summer weather before winter comes back!